Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hope Town - forth and back

High winds were forecast for Tuesday night and Wednesday. So we wanted to move to a secure place on mooring ball at Hope Town. On Monday, we got up early, to arrive just before low tide in Hope Tide. We also thought, arriving early would increase the chance to get a mooring ball.

Hope town is a pristine small town, with a fantastic caribbean flair. So we went there and arrived just around 10.00 am. After entering trough the shallow and narrow channel, we started looking for available mooring balls. Soon we spottet two of them, right next to each other in this very crowded place. As we approached the moorings, it turned out, somebody was holding a reservation on them, although everybody was kept telling us, that reservations would not be possible...

Disappointed as we were, we made our way back to Marsh Harbour and anchored at pretty much the same place from where we left in the morning.

So we decided, to take the ferry on Tuesday to Hope Town. There we went. The ferry ride was only about 20 minutes. Only golf carts are allowed on the tiny roads of Hope Town. The houses are painted colorful and the beach on the atlantic side is just amazing.

The downside was, that there became several mooring balls available, while we were waiting for our lunch at the water front restaurant. But we also saw many boats coming in, not finding an available ball and leaving - just we had to a day ago.

After lunch at the water side, we of course had to take a dip in the ocean.

Windsong II on the tricky approach through the shallow waters around Hope Town

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