Saturday, April 16, 2016

Another Tropical Front is approaching

The weather in the Bahamas seems to be unusual this year. Even the weather man Chris Parker, a sailor and meteorolgist is surprised, on how long the sequences of building fronts last here down south and in the Bahamas. By this time of the year, benign and settled spring weather should be around. But we are getting a front avery 10 days or so, bringing high winds, qualms and heavy rain for one or two days.

Since we were following up the weather forecast very carefully, we decided, to reserve a slip at the Bluff House Marina, in Green Turtle Cay. This would allow us to provisioning the boats with fuel and water. We can also use the pool, showers and have a drink at the bar, if we are up to.

It turned out, that it was a good decision. We got here on Friday midday. Two hours later, the wind picked up to 20 kts, with higher gusts. Everybody at the dock was running around, clearing the decks from lines, sails everything that could be blown away.

Finally, the rain set in, accompained by some thunderstorms. We had a quiet night, knowing the boat is securely tied up at the dock. And the batteries got their treat as well, being hooked up at the shore power after more than a month.

Last night, another Hunter sail boat took a slip at the marina. By the end of the day, there were four Hunter sailboats slipped at the Bluff House Marina. We didn't see any other boat make as often as the Hunters. Apparently, these Hunter boats being used by their owners to cruise around, while other, according to the cruiser society, real ocean crossing blue water sailboats, tend to sit at their docks.

We found, that our Hunter 410 offers everything we need. And for me, being 6'4" tall, there is plenty of head room down below. The cabin is spacious and flooded with light. The cockpit is roomy and provide several spots to lay down and chill out.

So we are waiting for the weather to improve, and decide then, on were we will be going next and when we will crossing the Gulf Stream back to Florida.

Tranquilizer, amongst 3 other Hunter sailboats, 
slipped at Bluff House Marina in Green Turtle Cay

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